Advice to others – Manda


Using social media and email to get involved can work, suggests Manda


Who want to get involved? I would say nowadays social media, use the internet. If your loved one has a particular let’s just say disability, or ailment, or kind of condition Google it and look how do I get involved with X organization? And then maybe keep calling the company or the organization say are you doing any type of research? How can I participate? Or even send them an email. That would be the best way through social media I would say.

[…]As a newbie toward the world what I had done is on some of the conference calls I’d provide my input, but I’d make sure I listened to what these other caregivers would have to say and then I reached out to someone who I respected and who I thought brought a lot of years of experience, and I asked them. I said how did you get so involved? They can easily quote the multiple journals, multiple physicians, multiple researchers and just asked them ‘how did they do it’? And basically it just takes time. You have to –you’ll get there in a matter of time.

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