Managing within the health care system – Ginette (2)


After undergoing a painful intervention from a health care trainee Ginette asked if she could refuse receiving care from a trainee.


Did I lose faith? I don’t know what to tell you because I am a little mixed up. Because they almost gave me an insulin shot although I am not diabetic, trusting is difficult. I am more on the defensive now. In general, I am very sincere when I say: “Do not leave a person alone, whether at the emergency, whether in outpatient consultation, wherever.” That’s it, I found it not easy.  Not easy! The care? Well as for the care it depends on who is there. The oncologist, I didn’t… She is fantastic. The chemo treatment went well. But it wasn’t their fault if they were late! These are technical elements. Sometimes, it’s a machine that is out of order. Things like that happen. I don’t blame them for this.

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