Perspectives on treatment pathways – Melissa


Melissa thinks it is important to give patients choices where preferences might matter.


I think giving patients a choice goes a long way. So even if it’s not, not necessarily a yes or no choice but in certain circumstances that’s not always the case. Sometimes with children, they just need to know that they can make a decision and you don’t ask them if they want toast with peanut butter you say “do you want toast with peanut butter or do you want toast with jam?” and giving them… you’re still going to have toast but which way would you kind of like to have it? And I think that patients feel a bit more involved in their treatment if they’re given those kind of choices especially when it comes to something like this.

I mean, I’m not sure that we’re there yet but, I think that there’s definitely, there’s definitely some little strides that physicians can make with respect and to providing patients with options and choices.

Well like the port versus the pick. Having something hanging from your arm is a little bit uncomfortable and it’s, it needs to be kept sanitary and all of these things whereas maybe the port is a bit more invasive but it gives the client or the patient a little bit more freedom in how they’re accessed or how they can maintain their lifestyle. Maybe for some people having a pick isn’t conducive maybe they swim and they can’t get it wet and all those kinds of things. So I think just taking into consideration the differences in patients, sometimes is instead of having one kind of linear approach, to be able to give patients choices within options where it’s possible.

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