Measuring Impact of Partnership – Wendy


In her work with Indigenous partners, Wendy believes it’s important to ask the community about the change they would like to see


Well I think that it’s – I think that the impact of the partnership is a really important question and I think with Indigenous communities there’s starting to be work being done on how can the partnerships be developed and evolved and sustained in mutually positive ways, so there is some work being done on that, I think we still have a lot of work to do; so as far as – so I think that those are important questions. As far as the impact I think asking the people what is the impact that they want to see, so again having what impact, the impact on what, you know if it’s asking the communities what actually is relevant and most meaningful for them and then looking at those outcomes and are we achieving them; so I think there’s two pieces to that, one is the process or the science of how to have productive positive partnerships, and then the second is, you know, is there something to measure and what is that, and I think that that’s where they, the communities, can really help direct those answers.


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