Credits – Family Caregiving Module

The research team
Susan Law
Principal Investigator
Ilja Ormel
Project Coordinator and Qualitative Researcher
Susan and Ilja conducted the interviews, did the analysis and prepared the material for the website.
Tabitha Tonsaker
As a graduate student in family medicine Tabitha conducted a sub-study of participants’ experiences of being interviewed for this module. She also evaluated website designs with caregivers and wrote a caregivers resource book for St. Mary’s Hospital.
David Loutfi, Brent Hopkins and Christian Dabrowski
Research assistants
As research assistants David, Brent and Christian provided a wide variety of timely support. From technical assistance to textual correction as well as many other things.
Ann C. Macaulay and Kerry Kuluski
Ann and Kerry advised the research team during the development of the project.
The participants
“We benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience shared by others and hope that we can make a contribution to this vital knowledge exchange as well.”
-Lillian and Michael, participants
We would like to thank all the participants for their trust, time and willingness to share their experiences with us. Please go to the people page if you like to know more about them.
The expert advisory panel
The team would like to thank all the members of the expert advisory panel for their time and valuable advice during the development of the project.
Mark Yaffe
Family physician and McGill Professor of Family Medicine
Renee Lyons
Bridgepoint Chair in Complex Chronic Disease – University of Toronto
Debbie Josephson
Family physician
Richard Hovey
Associate Professor in the Division of Oral Health and Society McGill Faculty of Dentistry
Marc Saint-Cyr
Full-time family caregiver for his friend
Other support
The St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation for their generous contribution and support for this project, particularly Cynda Heward, President and CEO, and the Women’s Health Champions of the Foundation Board.
Everyone at KnowledgeOne who has contribution to the design, development and realization of the healthexperiences website.
Céline Bailey for the translation of the written materials in French and English.
Elaine Parker and Colette Désilets for their transcription of the interviews.
Alessandra Miklavcic for the contribution to the analysis of the material.
The Health Experiences Research Group at the University of Oxford for their enthusiastic support and generosity in helping us to realize this project in Canada.
Last but not least everybody who has helped us recruit participants.