Personal growth and transformation – Jacques


Caring for his daughter has kept him from ageing, says Jacques.


Well, it might keep me from having Alzheimer’s. No, not really. No, but only the positive aspects, it’s that it… I can tell you one thing, caring for my daughter, it has kept me from ageing. It didn’t force me to age; it kept me from ageing. I have that impression. Because I’m taking care of her, I don’t have the time to think that I’m getting older, or whatever. I don’t have time. So, I think that’s the positive aspect to caregiving. For some, it will make them sick, but for me it’s the opposite. It gave me the motivation I needed. And having met these people—having told my story to them, got help and all that—that really helped me as well. And I think that…my temperament is such that I am not negative. I’m more positive, so… I have everything connected, that’s what she gave me as means, so I try, as much as possible, to love my daughter, and to help her, and to keep going. That’s what’s important.

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